Friday 8 August 2014


Sometimes thinking about your past is tough. I've been there many times and it's hard to overcome the mistakes and regrets still lingering overhead. But I think that to get better, I must fight. But fighting seems easy saying it but is it? I mean, I tell myself everyday that things will look better, be better and my life will be ok. But it's hard when you're thrust into a hurricane and you can't stop spinning and twisting and soon, you can torn. So if I tell myself to fight, then I better do a hell of a job because saying it isn't going to do anything. I know I'm strong. I've been in many tough situations and I overcame them. So yeah, this problem, issue, whatever I want to call it, it's consuming me but like a hurricane, it eventually passes. And then, I'll be free. I may not come out as the person I used to be but I don't think we are all meant to still be the same person we were years ago. We change and we adapt. So yeah I am in the middle of my own hurricane but it'll inevitably get better because sooner or later, it will end.

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